Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The 'X' factor in innovations - Simplicity

A company Spranq based in Netherlands has come up with a very innovative way to fight recession - by saving on printing costs. They have developed a font which will reduce the ink usage by as much as 20%.
The elegance of the solution is its simplicity. Just have a look at the font:

Guess what is different about the font?
Yes - you got it right. Its the holes that go with the characters.

This is where they say they have got the inspiration from:
"After Dutch holey cheese, there now is a Dutch font with holes as well."

They encountered the problem about how much of a letter can be removed while maintaining readability. After testing with all kinds of shapes, they figured out that the best results were achieved using small circles.

Hats off to the company for this path-breaking yet a very simplistic solution. That, according to me is true innovation. Did I hear someone screaming 'Why didn't I think of it earlier than those guys?' - Don't worry! even Microsoft couldn't think about it!! But, on the serious note here comes the morale of the story - You don't need to be a giant to create something really useful - all you need is to take some inspiration from your environment(Cheese in this case :D) and believe in KISS principle - Keep it simple and stupid.

Company website : http://www.spranq.nl/en/